Tuesday, May 10, 2011


she's staring at her phone with a hand over her mouth. life feels messy while i wait for the photocopier.

'it was my birthday a fortnight a go. no, last week,' she says. she looks top right when remembering facts. 'i got a bunch of flowers but i was trashed and forgot them. another friend took them home, but the next day her cat ate them and got sick. we made jokes about it and everything. but she just posted on facebook that the cat's liver failed and they have to put her down.'

colour printing, A3. why would a cat eat flowers? what kind of flowers kill a cat?

'lilies, man. they're toxic. but can she stop posting on facebook? i feel bad enough already and i want to comment but i can't or anything because it's my fault i mean it's not my fault but it's my fault, you know?'

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